Road to Acceptance

The most comprehensive program to

help you get into medical school.

The only step-by-step online course that will help you confidently navigate the nitty gritty details of the application process, nail down your "why medicine", authentically convey your story, and stand out as an unique, deserving applicant, all while having the freedom to enjoy the journey.


You're a Premed Student dreaming of the day that interview invites start rolling in and getting THE call for your first medical school acceptance.

But you're LOST on how to navigate...

  • Juggling school, extracurriculars, and the MCAT all while trying submit a GOOD application on time and not missing any important deadlines.

  • Weaknesses in your application and knowing all the other aspects you could work on improving between now and applying

  • Articulating your unique story and reasons for pursuing medicine in an impactful way that doesn't sound cliché

  • Not getting in the first time and feeling stuck on how or whether to redo your essays from your first application.

I get it.

There was TOO much I didn't know.

The first time I applied to medical school, I was so clueless, made a laundry list of what should have been easily avoidable mistakes, and got caught off guard so many times along the way.

My essays missed the mark, I couldn't manage even the small amount of secondaries I had, and fumbled through my interview...

But I was truly trying my BEST.

There was just SO much I didn't know that it wasn't possible for my best effort to result in a competitive application.

It was so defeating to work so hard and not be successful.


All I needed was a a simple, step-by-step process to follow to make sure I was maximizing every aspect of my application.

When I took the time to learn (the hard way) how to do every single step of the application process RIGHT, not only was I so much more prepared and actually enjoyed myself along the way...

But I was also more successful than I could have imagined with 15 interview invites and 10 medical school acceptances (6 MD and 4 DO) despite a 3.3 GPA.

As I turned what I learned into a step-by-step course... more and more premed students were able to achieve their dream of getting into medical school using the same strategies as I had learned WITHOUT having to figure it all out the hard way.

After going through Road to Acceptance, you'll walk away with:

A step-by-step plan of exactly what to do and when so you're prepared to apply early, avoid missing important deadlines, and maximize your chances of success

A compelling personal statement that fully encapsulates your journey and passion for pursuing medicine so you can nail your "why medicine"

Extra-curricular essays that convey your unique qualities so you can stand out from the sea of other applicants

A strong school list curated to your personal applicant profile so you can get drastically more interview invites

Secondary essays that take a fraction of the time to submit without sacrificing quality so you can still enjoy your summer

Noteworthy MMI & traditional interview skills so you can leave a lasting impression on interview day and start earning ACCEPTANCES

Road to Acceptance alters the trajectory of your premed journey for the better and TODAY is the day to enroll!

Road to Acceptance


But you can enroll today for just:






  • 7 In-Depth Modules with Videos, PDF Guides, and Templates
  • Monthly Live Zoom Sessions
  • Facebook Community & 24/7 Dedicated Support from Successful Applicants
  • Extensive Essay Library
  • School List Tool






  • 7 In-Depth Modules with Videos, PDF Guides, and Templates
  • Monthly Live Zoom Sessions
  • Facebook Community & 24/7 Dedicated Support from Successful Applicants
  • Extensive Essay Library
  • School List Tool

Here's what you'll be learning:

Module 1: Application Timeline

Here's why it pays to learn from someone who's going before you -- I know exactly where students get stuck and what get's missed in trying to understand the application timeline on their own.

In this module we are going to achieve TOTAL clarity on the nitty gritty details of applying, what you need to hit submit, deadlines to know, and HOW to successfully apply early.

Module 1 Highlights:

  • Define the important terms you need to know and take a look at the application timeline month by month
  • Guidance on all things letters or recommendation: how to ask for them, what to say, when you need them by, and more. 
  • Complete a “gap analysis” to make sure you aren’t missing any important pieces needed to apply. If you are, we’ll walk through some actionable steps to get you where you need to be. 
  • Breakdown why it’s important to apply early and I’ll walk you through the step-by-step process so you know exactly how to do it. 
  • Walk through your primary app checklist to know what you actually need to hit submit and what can wait.

Module 2: Personal Statement

Nailing your "why medicine" is an important yet elusive aspect of your medical school application that can really help you stand out.

In this module, you'll learn the goal of the personal statement, how to structure it, common mistakes to avoid, and step-by-step frameworks for writing your personal statement in a way that avoids writer's block.

Module 2 Highlights:

  • Read six finished personal statements from accepted students (some with before and afters + comments on why the first draft didn't cut it) so you have a good idea of how to go about writing your personal statement before you even start typing
  • Learn the key to knowing with 100% confidence that your personal statement doesn't sound cliché.
  • Learn a clear, step-by-step framework to go from a bare bones outline to a finished first draft over the weekend (that won't need 20+ edits or have to be completely redone from scratch)
  • Review the 7 most common mistakes premed students make when writing their personal statement (with examples) and what to do instead
  • Get a personal statement review cheat sheet that you can send to a friend or family member so they know exactly what to give you feedback on to help you finalize your personal statement.

Module 3: Extracurricular Descriptions

Understand everything about extracurriculars from the basics (how they differ between applications, how to know what experiences you can add, how far back they can date, how to narrow down your list if you have too many) to how to write them using stories.

Module 3 Highlights:

  • Dive into the nitty gritty details of how to choose your most meaningful, how to list shadowing, adding and calculating hours for activities and more.
  • Review the most common mistakes premeds make when writing extracurricular essays so you can be sure to avoid them.
  • Read over 70 examples from accepted students in the extracurricular essay library for tons of inspiration for writing your own.
  • Learn The Reverse Engineer Method so you have drastically less headache trying to figure out exactly what stories you should use.
  • Learn my exact process to write short but compelling stories that perfectly incorporate core competencies.
  • Use the extracurricular essay cheat sheet to send to a friend or family member reviewing your essays so they know exactly what to look for and give you feedback on.

Module 4: Making a Rock Solid School List

You may know that casting a wide net is important, but the real key is to cast a wide and well researched net. Blindly applying to 30 schools isn't the way to maximize your chances of getting accepted.

In this module, you'll learn all the strategies and techniques to let your school list work in your favor instead of working against you.

Module 4 Highlights:


  • Learn about the three types of schools have on your list plus I'll walk you through the breakdown of my complete list so you can see the stats I used to determine whether a school was "safe" and what the outcomes were. 
  • The School List Tool: a major bonus to help you stream line the process of finding schools that accept students with lower stats as well as weeding out the schools with residency bias. 
  • Learn my exact step-by-step process to narrow down the 100+ schools you could applying to, into a well curated list of 30-50 "safe" schools to add to your school list. 
  • Learn ALL the factors to consider when further narrowing down your school list that helps set schools apart (a million times better than simply reading mission statements) and walk away with a list of 1-3 non-negotiables to help increase the chances you end up at your dream medical school. 

Module 5: Secondary Applications

Getting sent 3 - 5 secondary essay prompts from EACH school you apply to, ends up being 60+ new essays you have to write after all that work you put into your personal statement and extracurricular essays. The icing on the cake? They come in ALL at once.

In this module, you will learn strategies to conquer one of the last and still very important steps of the application cycle so you can successfully secure interview invites.

  • Read over 120 examples from accepted students in the secondary essay library for tons of inspiration when tackling your own.
  • Get an inside look into my own secondaries, showing you how the different platforms can look like and all the little details secondaries could include. 
  • Learn about the easily overlooked aspects of secondaries, additional tests you might need to take, and how to prepare. 
  • Review the most common essay prompts and implement an easy yet effective essay structure so you can write interview-worthy secondary essays with confidence.

Module 6: Interviews

Eliminate the worry of sounding too rehearsed, making a lasting impression in virtual interviews, and interview day nerves.

By the end of this module you will 10x your confidence for your first interview day!

  • Get a step-by-step plan to efficiently build and master your interviewing skills with free resources, example videos, and learning about the various types.
  • Learn a strategy to formulate answers for traditional and MMI interviews and use the 6 premed mock interviews to record yourself and simulate your interview day experience. The ultimate way to get rid of interview day nerves.
  • Learn ALL the nitty gritty details you need to know about interview day; what to wear, how to set up for virtual interviews, how to stay organized, tips for in person interviews. I share it all so you can feel prepared as possible for your interview day!
  • Review post interview thank you note examples & advice along with my experience with where and when to send them.

Module 7: Wrapping Up

The ultimate roadmap of next steps after your interviews. What key things not to miss if you get accepted. What to do if you're waitlisted, and an in-depth, actionable guide if you don't get in.

There is so much emphasis on getting into to medical school that there is virtually no roadmaps on what to do after getting accepted and how to navigate the little details of that! 

  • Learn all the technical details of what to do after you are accepted so you don't miss any important steps related to financial aid, scholarships, or deadlines.
  • Learn about the Choose Your Medical School Tool and why it is incredibly important to stay on top of.
  • Use our update letter and letter of intent templates and examples to craft the perfect letters if you end up on the waitlist.

Plus! These Bonuses to Help you Generate Unstoppable Momentum! ↯

Private Facebook Community

$997 value

It's gonna feel like me and my support team are holding your hand throughout this whole journey - since you ALWAYS get to ask any questions that *undoubtedly* come up and get personalized advice & additional tips from us, as your premed mentors.

Plus, this journey doesn't have to feel so lonely! In RTA you're gonna be part of one BIG supportive premed community - cheering each other on and sharing any challenges & wins together!

Extensive Essay Library

$397 value

Don't know how to phrase it? Lacking inspiration? RTA's extensive collection of real-life essay examples will dissolve your creative blockages with just a few clicks!

Get an inspirational boost from 10 personal statements, 56 extracurricular essays, 125 secondary essays, and 4 update letters - all from accepted medical school applicants! ...and more are being added regularly.

School List Tool

$297 value

Aka my secret tool to make it 10x easier to find the RIGHT schools for you - which can be such a life-saver in the midst of your packed application to-do list.

With this comprehensive list of 170 medical schools you can easily spot residency bias, filter for MCAT and GPA ranges (incl. potential cut-offs) and curate a school list that fits into your profile - in a fraction of the time!

Inside Road to Acceptance, you get...

  • 7 in-depth modules
    With video trainings and explanations to walk you through the application timeline, primary applications, secondaries, and interviews.

  • Templates, checklists, tools and worksheets
    To implement the application strategies you'll learn, while saving you HUNDREDS of hours & lots of effort in the process.
  • Personal support & encouragement
    Get all your questions answered by our experienced support team and connect with other students through our Facebook group.

  • Lifetime access - at your own pace
    Your access to all modules and videos will be indefinite. So you choose when to start, dive deeper or pick up the program at a later stage.
Road to Acceptance

When you add in the bonuses that simplify each step of the application cycle...

That's a real world value of $6,288.







  • 7 In-Depth Modules with Videos, PDF Guides, and Templates
  • Monthly Live Zoom Sessions
  • Facebook Community & 24/7 Dedicated Support from Successful Applicants
  • Extensive Essay Library
  • School List Tool





  • 7 In-Depth Modules with Videos, PDF Guides, and Templates
  • Monthly Live Zoom Sessions
  • Facebook Community & 24/7 Dedicated Support from Successful Applicants
  • Extensive Essay Library
  • School List Tool

Plus You'll be Backed by a Risk-Free 14-Day Guarantee

If this was 2016 and it was me considering whether to invest nearly $500 as a premed - my scrolling fingers would race to this part!

I get you! You're not afraid to invest in your future career as a physician as long as you know this is the right tool for you to master the next big step - your medical school application.

So here's why you can place your confidence in RTA's money-back-guarantee and put any enrollment anxiety aside.

By the end of 14 days, you'll have received access to the first two modules of Road to Acceptance. So you'll have had the opportunity to work through the first modules BEFORE making a final commitment.

If you don't feel totally confident in the course within 14 days after your purchase and haven't clicked past module 2 - simply reach out, show me you've put in the work, and I'll refund your investment. Full details here or reach out to for further questions.


Here are a few answers to our most common questions


Trust me, having doubt is *completely* normal on this path and you are not alone in this! But with a step-by-step game plan it will all feel so much more doable in no time. You got this!


It's fully self-paced so you can decide when to get started and how long you will use it.

The modules will become available one by one each week. In case you want to move more quickly through them, we are happy to give you instant access upon request.



Yes, you can share all your questions and challenges in our private Facebook group where me and my premed expert team will give you personalized responses.

Keep in mind though there this course does NOT include 1:1 calls or consultations.


Once enrolled, you will have life-long access to the course and its materials.  


Although RTA does NOT include essay editing or feedback, a lot of our students swap essays with each other through our Facebook group (this is especially encouraged after you have diligently gone through the modules and applied the advice).


If you try out the first two modules, do the work and you’re still not satisfied, you can show me your work within 14 days of purchase as long as you haven’t clicked past module 2 and I’ll gladly give you a refund. Read our full refund policy for the details.

Still have questions?

'm happy to answer any questions you may have so you can determine if this course is right for you! Email me at and I'll get back to you asap.


But you can enroll today for just:





  • 7 In-Depth Modules with Videos, PDF Guides, and Templates
  • Monthly Live Zoom Sessions
  • Facebook Community & 24/7 Dedicated Support from Successful Applicants
  • Extensive Essay Library
  • School List Tool





  • 7 In-Depth Modules with Videos, PDF Guides, and Templates
  • Monthly Live Zoom Sessions
  • Facebook Community & 24/7 Dedicated Support from Successful Applicants
  • Extensive Essay Library
  • School List Tool

Maybe you're thinking...

I don't have enough time.

My goal is to speed up this process for you so you can actually save a lot of time through this course.

That means you'll get done-for-you templates and plans that you can implement quickly and efficiently.

These resources will save you hundreds of hours, which means you'll have more time to focus on your studies and personal life.

What if it doesn't work for me?

I feel you! This is such a common fear that holds us back from taking action, and it almost stopped me from pursuing my own medical school dreams. But I'm so glad I pushed through the fear and did it anyway!

After my own experience, I've figured out the strategies that work best for navigating the premed journey.

But, I am on a tight budget.

Believe me, I totally get it! Though, I still know how much money (and time) I wasted as a premed trying to figure it all out by myself. Not to mention having to apply a second time since I didn't have what it takes right from the start!

This one-time-investment can pave the road to get accepted the FIRST time and set yourself up for a life-long career in medicine!

If you're thinking "this sounds amazing but I'm still not 100% sure" keep reading...

You should give Road to Acceptance a 14-day-risk-free shot if you're motivated by any of the following:

You want to get accepted (and NEVER having to apply again).

All the years of preparation - spending hundreds of hours in front of your lecture notes, choosing studying over partying, trying your best to line up all your premed requirements, signing up for meaningful extracurriculars,...all to get ready for THIS moment.

You're aware that you've sacrificed a lot to get here and don't want the lack of knowledge or guidance be the reason you have to re-apply again.

For you, it's all-in now so you can soon open the first of those letters starting with "It is my pleasure to inform you that you have been accepted to..." and it will all be 100% worth it!

You're not afraid of putting in the work.

By now, you fully understand that when it comes to successfully applying to medical school, you need to take full control and get into action mode.

You realize that this is also your biggest competitive advantage against anyone who just crosses their fingers and hopes for the best and those without a COMPLETE, step-by-step implementation plan.

But above all else, you're ready, willing and excited to reach your #1 goal - getting accepted to medical school.

You recognize that it's A LOT to tackle on your own.

That doesn't mean you don't break a sweat when you think about pressing the buy button below and investing in your incredibly promising future in medicine. But it does mean you're fully aware that the application process involves a lot of moving pieces (on top of your already busy schedule) and even smaller mistakes can easily cost you hundreds of dollars and reduce your chances of success.

You want to skip the burnout and months of research and are willing to accept help so you can put your best foot forward and move through this with confidence and ease.

Then 4 months later...

3 Easy Steps to Join:

  • Step 1: Hit the "Join Now" button, enter your details and complete your purchase.

  • Step 2: Open your confirmation email and save the link to your course portal.

  • Step 3: Send me DM on Instagram so that I know you've enrolled and I can welcome you personally!
Join Now

Road to Acceptance alters the trajectory of your premed journey for the better and TODAY is the day to enroll!

Road to Acceptance


But you can enroll today for just:





  • 7 In-Depth Modules with Videos, PDF Guides, and Templates
  • Monthly Live Zoom Sessions
  • Facebook Community & 24/7 Dedicated Support from Successful Applicants
  • Extensive Essay Library
  • School List Tool





  • 7 In-Depth Modules with Videos, PDF Guides, and Templates
  • Monthly Live Zoom Sessions
  • Facebook Community & 24/7 Dedicated Support from Successful Applicants
  • Extensive Essay Library
  • School List Tool

Before you go... 

If there's one thing I want you to remember, it's this:


Trust your gut!

If you've read this far, I have a feeling this program could be exactly what you need. So don't second guess yourself.

If you're worried you're not ready yet, or aren't 100% convinced Road to Acceptance is the perfect fit - reach out to

I'll be totally honest about whether I think this program will help you with your next phase of your premed journey.

You've got nothing to lose.


So what are you waiting for?